Academic Divisions


Thomas W. Meyer, Ph.D., President and Vice Chancellor of Instruction

Amanda Elliott. Senior Executive Administrative Assistant
MCC-Administrative Center

Vice President

Bruce Sowers, Ph.D., Vice President of Instruction and Student Services - Online

Jenna Miller, Executive Administrative Assistant
MCC-Penn Valley, Learning Resources, 305

Dean of Online

Christine Howell, Dean of Online

Jenna Miller, Executive Administrative Assistant
MCC-Penn Valley, Learning Resources, 305

Division of Arts, Humanities, Language, Communications, Exploratory, Social Sciences, and Public Service

Lisa Spaulding, Ph.D, Division Chair
MCC-Penn Valley, Learning Resources, 311B

Division of Applied Technology and Manufacturing, Business, Education, Health Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Carrie Pickerel-Brooks, Ed.D, Division Chair
MCC-Penn Valley, Learning Resources, 305

Subject Coordinator
Accounting Dennis Jirkovsky
Art DeAnna Skedel
Biology Amanda Merryman
Business Zack McNeil
Education Kyle Anderson
English Robyn McGee
History Lyle Gibson
Mass Communications / Theater Daniel Wright
Math Ansa Naseeb
Psychology Brian Cronk
Sociology Cynthia Heddlesten
Software Development / Cybersecurity Joel Shaw