Metropolitan Community College has partnered with BetterMynd, an online therapy platform
for eligible MCC students to have greater access to a wide range of mental health resources, including:
- individual counseling sessions, with options for evenings and weekends
- a 24/7 on-demand emotional support and crisis line at 1.844.BTR.MYND (1.844.287.6963)
- wellbeing workshops on a variety of topics, such as anxiety, relationship concerns, and stress management
With a large network of licensed mental health professionals, BetterMynd provides students with the flexibility to select counselors with specialties, demographics, identities, lived experiences or a language that matches their preferences.
What to Expect at Your First Counseling Session (PDF)
How to register (in less than 5 minutes)
How to Register (In Less Than 5-Minutes) from BetterMynd on Vimeo.
If you have any questions about your services with BetterMynd, please contact