MCC is experiencing technical difficulties with the 816.604.1000 phone line. Visit these links for information on contacting our Enrollment Centers and your Advisor or email us at for general information.
More than 150 projects across the country were lauded this year. Blue River East was one of five winners in the schools and universities category.
The son of the late civil rights icon will take part in an onstage conversation at the annual luncheon, which raises funds for Metropolitan Community College student scholarships.
MCC commencement takes place at 1 and 6 p.m. Thursday, May 18, at Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence.
#MCCGrads2023: Meet this year’s student commencement speakers
April is Community College Month
The acrylic structure by MCC instructor Bernadette Torres features digital images of "dream clouds" and flowers from Torres' ceramic artworks.
The proposed $6 million, 12,000-square-foot Agriculture Annex would house programs for students pursuing an MCC associate in applied science (A.A.S.) in agriculture degree.