All public safety courses are offered in-person
The Public Safety Institute is proud to provide exceptional continuing education in-person courses for law enforcement and public safety agencies.
Our experienced instructors expose participants to current trends in law enforcement and provide information necessary to improve students' knowledge base and skill sets.
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Course Offerings
Academy instructors will discuss firearms survival issues and officers will utilize the MILO Laser Weapons in simulated scenarios.
This course will prepare existing officers to serve in the crucial role as a field training officer for post-academy/agency-specific field training and evaluation programs.
We will teach the San Jose model, as it is the most widely used program in the United States. However, the methods and techniques introduced in the training are applicable and adaptable to any field training program.
There will be a strong emphasis on training and remediation principles and techniques during the course, not just evaluation. Students attending the course should be highly motivated with a genuine desire to serve as an FTO.
This course will cover the role of the instructor, principals of learning, methods of instruction, public speaking, source document construction, lesson plan construction, legal aspects of training, training aids, test construction and question validation.
Law enforcement is now “under a microscope” more than ever and many agencies are not prepared to handle regular and rare situations that rise to the attention of local news media.
The objective of this course is to provide the trainee with information and skills to identify effective strategies in developing better communication and improving relations between their agency and local news media (T.V., Newspaper, and Citizen Journalists).
Various methods of communication will be discussed including creating news releases, interviews, and social media messaging.
While many agencies cannot employ a full time Public Information Officer, this course will analyze this role and how it is critical for every agency, even in a part-time assignment.
The student will demonstrate the ability to craft written news releases base on simulated situations and handle news inquiries on a variety of subjects including
- active crime scenes,
- major cases/investigations,
- special events,
- difficult personnel matters and
- national and viral news stories.
The block training satisfies the 24-hour POST requirement. 100% attendance on Day 3 will fulfill the minimum hourly requirements for POST in each curricula area.
The 16 additional hours on day 1 & day 2 will meet the annual requirement.
This class is for newly promoted supervisors and those seeking promotion.
The course covers topics such as the role of a supervisor in a police organization, managing personnel, motivation, counseling and coaching employees, levels of organization, Supreme Court decisions regarding employee case law, and managing versus leading.
Course is designed to expose students to vehicle dynamics and all the onboard safety computer systems on today’s police vehicles and how they interact with the emergency vehicle operator.
Most of the class is hand on skill building including use of our computerized skid car system.
Knowledge of Tactical Medical care will give officers the skills needed to provide self-aid, aid to his/her buddies, and an understanding of casualty care in the tactical environment.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to apply tactical first aid measures.
Suicide By Cop is a situation where individuals deliberately place themselves or others at grave risk in a manner that compels the use of deadly force by police officers.
We will discuss and understand the stressors that officers often encounter during these incidents and the influences that may trigger a subject to engage in suicide by cop.
We will also explore what is behind some of these motivations. Officers will learn how to be tactically safety and what to keep in mind to bring about a positive resolution.
This 4 hour block of training will address various legal updates. This class will also will address how police officers can avoid racial profiling by practicing “fair and impartial policing”.
At the conclusion of this training, the student will leave with an understanding and a tool to help “Cross the Bridge Together” with persons in crisis who are from various cultures and backgrounds.
This class meets the Implicit Bias and De-escalation requirement for POST.
MCC-Blue River Public Safety Institute offers an agency contract pricing which is less expensive than the CEU hourly rate. (Exception: Instructor level and specialty classes are not covered by contract).
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