All Credit Classes

Metropolitan Community College offers many flexible scheduling options to you meet degree requirements while balancing work and life. For convenience, we have listed our classes in alphabetical order.

Curriculum Crosswalks

MCC recently updated several course designators. Please refer to the following for further information.

Browse class schedule


Industrial Technology

INTE 107 Industrial Electrical Safety2 Cr.
INTE 112 Industrial Electrical DC Principles2 Cr.
INTE 113 Industrial Electrical AC Principles2 Cr.
INTE 115 Electrical Print Reading3 Cr.
INTE 140 Fundamentals of Industrial Machine Repair3 Cr.
INTE 142 National Electric Code (NEC)3 Cr.
INTE 175 Electric Motor Controls I3 Cr.
INTE 224 Energy Management, Efficiency, and Conservation3 Cr.
INTE 225 Industrial Electrical Print Reading3 Cr.
INTE 240 Advanced Industrial Machine Repair3 Cr.
INTE 270 Instrumentation and Process Controls3 Cr.
INTE 271 Programmable Logic Controller I4 Cr.
INTE 272 Programmable Logic Controller II3 Cr.
INTE 273 Variable Speed Motors and Drives3 Cr.
INTE 275 Electric Motor Control II3 Cr.
INTE 276 Electrical and PLC Troubleshooting4 Cr.
INTE 281 Industrial Robotics4 Cr.
INTE 290 Programmable Logic Controller Capstone4 Cr.
INTE 299B Advanced Special Problems, Projects, and Capstones4 Cr.

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