The TRIO program began, not with the Higher Education Act, but with the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, the original War on Poverty Statute, which created Upward Bound. Talent Search was established by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and in 1968, the first re-authorization of the Higher Education Act created Special Services for Disadvantaged Students (Student Support Services). Although other programs were added beginning in the 1970's, the name "TRIO" remained.
The TRIO programs were established by the Federal Government to ensure equal educational opportunity for all Americans regardless of race, ethnic background or economic circumstance. The programs are designed to help students overcome class, social, academic and cultural barriers to higher education. The educational and human services offered through TRIO programs are distinguishable from all other counseling programs in America.
TRIO programs assist students in the entry, retention and completion of post-secondary education; they provide information, counseling, academic instruction, tutoring, assistance in applying for financial aid, encouragement and support.
TRIO programs are very effective and many students from low-income families depend on these programs to succeed academically in high school and college. In fact, since 1965, an estimated 5 million students have graduated from college with the special assistance and support of TRIO programs. Students are now being served at approximately 938 colleges and universities, nationwide.
More information on TRIO programs
Upward Bound (UB) helps young students prepare for higher education.
Since the Upward Bound program arrived on the scene in 1964, two others have come into existence (Upward Bound Math Science (UBMS) and Veterans Upward Bound).
Currently, more than 70,000 students are being served by 956 Upward Bound projects are in operation throughout the United States.
Talent Search programs serve young people in grades six through 12.
This early intervention program helps people from families with low incomes (where neither parent graduated from college) to better understand their educational opportunities and options. Over 312,000 Americans are enrolled in 473 Talent Search programs.
According to the more recent data collected by the U.S. Department of Education, 80% of Talent Search participants enrolled in postsecondary institutions immediately following high school graduation.
There are no Talent Search programs in the Kansas City area at this time.
Student Support Services (SSS) programs provide services for students to increase college retention and graduation rates and facilitate the process of transition from one level of higher education to the next.
More than 202,000 students are now being served by 1,069 Student Support Services programs at colleges and universities nationwide.
Recent studies of Student Support Services found that program participation resulted in statistically significant higher rates of student retention and transfer, improved grade point averages and credit accumulation. Program participants also bested their similarly situated peers in degree completion at both two-year colleges (41% vs. 28%) and four-year colleges (48% vs. 40%).
Kansas City area Student Support Services programs: Metropolitan Community College-Penn Valley.
Educational Opportunity Centers (EOC)provide assistance and information to adults who seek to enter or continue a program of post-secondary education. These centers help individuals to choose a college and suitable financial aid program. There are 142 EOCs serving 199,000 individuals. Kansas City area Educational Opportunity Centers: Metropolitan Community College
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement "McNair"programs are designed to encourage low-income and minority undergraduates to consider careers in college teaching, as well as, prepare for doctoral study. Currently, there are 187 projects, serving more than 5,200 students. There are no McNair programs within the Kansas City area at this time.