Apply to the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program

Program application deadlines:

  • Part-time for summer start: March 1
  • Full-time for fall start: June 1

Program applications received after the deadline will only be reviewed and considered if there are open seats in the program.

Program admission

Additional steps are required for acceptance into this program beyond the standard MCC admissions application.

Follow these steps to apply to the program

Technology requirement

Students are required to have regular access to computer technology with up-to-date software, reliable broadband connection to the internet and the ability to install software that may be required for the course. Technical skills required for online courses include:

  • Access sites and navigate online.
  • Use a word processor (i.e. Microsoft Word) to open and save in common document file formats.
  • Send and receive email, including attaching and downloading files.
  • Read and post to discussion/messaging boards and blogs.
  • Use a supported browser and adjust browser settings as required.
  • Save a URL as a bookmark/favorite.
  • Perform online searches using Google or other search engine.
  • Cut, paste and copy information from the internet or files and save to the computer or other storage device

Frequently asked questions