Business Administration

Students obtain the skills, knowledge and abilities sought by workforce partners who hire current students, promote graduates, and continuously develop them for career advancement on a pathway to high wage jobs.

Degree and certificate options

Students will graduate with the skills, knowledge and abilities sought by workforce partners who hire current students, promote graduates, and continuously develop them for career advancement on a pathway to high-wage jobs.



Business degrees and certificates are the gateway to many career options. Depending on your emphasis area, your education will equip you to develop into any of the following roles, among others:

  • Business Owner
  • General Manager
  • Front Office Manager
  • Dining Room Manager
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Food and Beverage Manager
  • Guest Services Manager
  • Fulfillment and Inventory Manager
  • Intermodal Operations Manager
  • Warehouse Manager
  • Logistics Manager
  • Store Manager

Visit U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to view maintenance and repair workers careers salary information and employment outlook.

Job Preparation:
Student Employment Services
MCC Career Central Job Bank

Transfer made simple


Whatever your transfer destination, we'll work to make sure your credits move easily. That's why we're experts at it.

Northwest pathway

The A.A.S. in Business transfers seamlessly to Northwest Missouri State University. Additionally, Northwest will accept up to 90 credit hours from MCC students who have completed the A.A.S. in Business, saving students more than $8,000 in tuition compared to alternative transfer pathways.

Transfer alternatives

Students planning to transfer to any other 4-year college or university should complete the associate of arts and consult a Student Success Advisor to identify the elective courses best suited for the transfer institution.

Ready To Start Your Future?

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