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FALL 2024 / RNUR / RNUR 238

Professional Nursing

RNUR 238 - Adult Nursing II (5 credits)

Prerequisite: BIOL 208, RNUR 134, RNUR 138 and RNUR 141 with minimum grades of C; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in RNUR 234. Adult Nursing II is the second of three medical-surgical nursing courses and is the first with a clinical component. This course allows students to utilize previous nursing concepts as they apply their skills to clients in a variety of secondary and tertiary settings. Students assume professional nursing roles in meeting basic needs by demonstrating skills in communication, critical thinking, and the nursing process. Students interact with culturally/ethnically diverse clients and integrate legal/ethical issues into the plan of care. Content regarding medical-surgical disease processes continues, giving the student the basis of knowledge to assist the client to reach optimal status on the health-illness continuum.

8 session(s) offered. Select a location:

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