Course Descriptions

The list below is NOT a complete list of program courses and shows courses taught in the previous, current, and two future terms. View complete degree/certificate requirements and course offerings by clicking the links below.

ART 101 - Art Fundamentals II - 3.00 credits

Use of the plastic elements of art and principles of design in studio application. Emphasis on study of art styles, techniques, and media.

ART 103 - Design Foundations - 3.00 credits

An introductory study of the principles of visual perception and organization with the visual elements of line, shape, value, texture, and color. The course will primarily explore two-dimensional design in an achromatic mode.

ART 108 - Survey of Art - 3.00 credits

A brief history of the Visual Arts, including painting drawing, sculpture and architecture. Global cultures from prehistoric times through present day will be covered. (MOTR ART 100)

ART 110 - Drawing I - 3.00 credits

Development of fundamental drawing skills and techniques using various media. Observation and compositional aspects of drawing. (MOTR PERF 105D)

ART 111 - Drawing II - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 110. Drawing skills in various techniques while developing various styles of expression through a variety of media and subject matter.

ART 112 - Drawing III - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 111. Individual projects to help students strengthen their styles and techniques. Introduction of new media for exploration. Increased observation and compositional aspects of drawing.

ART 113 - Drawing IV - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 112. Exploration of a variety of subject matter for personally expressive and compositional aspects of drawing. Individual projects.

ART 123 - Color Theory - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 103 or concurrent enrollment. An advanced study of the principles of visual perception and two-dimensional design with an emphasis in color theory and the elements of design including line, shape, value, texture.

ART 138 - Digital Photography - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: This course will integrate contemporary digital technology and the current functional roles of photography as a form of expression that can be descriptive, explanatory, poetic, evaluative or theoretical. Emphasis will be directed toward the development of visual literacy and the ability to see photographically using color and gray scale light in the process of purposeful image making. Adobe Photo Shop skills will be developed for image manipulation as a "digital darkroom." Essential camera skills will be mastered.

ART 139 - Film & Darkroom Photography - 3.00 credits

Use of cameras and basic processes and principles of black and white photography. Introduction to the use of photographic equipment, dark room procedures, and materials. Students introduced to historical and contemporary developments in photography. (Students furnish their own 35mm camera.)

ART 141 - Beginning Jewelry Making I - 3.00 credits

This course is a basic introduction to the terms, tools, and techniques involved in creating jewelry and other wearables as they relate to the human form. Fabrication, construction, and casting will be explored. This course will introduce the student to non-ferrous metals, tool usage, and application in metalworking. Students will learn about the properties of various metals, tool usage, and techniques/processes and apply this knowledge to the construction/fabrication of wearable and sculptural forms relating to the body. This includes applying basic technical skills to 3D design problems, introduction to metal history and safety are integrated into the course subject matter.

ART 150 - History of Art I - 3.00 credits

Historical events and their influence on the development of architecture, painting, and sculpture from prehistoric times through the medieval periods in Western Civilization. (MOTR ARTS 101)

ART 151 - History of Art II - 3.00 credits

Western civilization through the historical developments and relationships of architecture, painting, and sculpture from the Renaissance to present day. (MOTR ARTS 102)

ART 157 - History of Graphic Design - 3.00 credits

Students will obtain an overview of the evolution of graphic communication from pre-history through Postmodern Design and the Digital Revolution. Students will be able to identify the works of influential artists, movements, and the impacts of world historical events, technology, and social tendencies on graphic design.

ART 170 - Ceramics I - 3.00 credits

Students will be introduced to the fundamental principles, styles and forms of ceramics. Primarily working with hand-building techniques, students will learn the importance of texture, form, and unity of design. Students will also be introduced to rudimentary pottery wheel techniques. (MOTR PERF 105C).

ART 171 - Ceramics II - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 170. Advanced synthesis of form and development of skills and techniques in ceramics including decoration and glazing. Studio experience concentration in pottery wheel techniques and glazing.

ART 172 - Ceramics III - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 171. Advanced and individual projects exploring the problems, methods and techniques of production ceramic ware. Emphasis on skill building, research in slip casting processes and glazing techniques. Individual skill building on wheel thrown and/or hand building procedures.

ART 173 - Ceramics IV - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 172. Advanced and individual projects under the direction of the instructor. Emphasis on skill building, research in glazing techniques, and knowledge of kiln firing. Individual skill building in wheel-thrown and/or hand-building and/or slip-casting procedures.

ART 220 - Painting I - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 110. This course will introduce basic principles of design and pictorial composition. Students will execute a series of paintings on various themes. (MOTR PERF 105P).

ART 221 - Painting II - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 220. Advanced study of painting styles, pictorial composition, design and color theory through the production of a series of exercises and paintings.

ART 222 - Painting III - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 221. Advanced color theory, use of media, and pictorial composition will be exhibited through a self directed plan of study and production of paintings.

ART 223 - Painting IV - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 222. Self directed projects geared to enhance creative awareness and expression. Projects will concentrate on developing advanced skills in composition, handling media, tools and color.

ART 230 - Sculpture I - 3.00 credits

Introduction to the principles and styles of three-dimensional forms. Exploration of natural, abstract and synthetic sculptural forms through the use of traditional materials including clay, plaster, wood, fiber, plastic, and metal. Students will be introduced to the conceptual sculptural methods of addition, reduction, and substitution. (MOTR PERF 105S).

ART 231 - Sculpture II - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 230. Advanced exploration of sculptural methods and techniques. Emphasis on exploring sculptural materials, forms, and imagery as a means of self-expression and communication.

ART 232 - Sculpture III - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 231. Advanced exploration of sculptural processes and forms through the study of traditional and contemporary concepts, media, and techniques. Projects will involve working with a variety of issues from figure modeling to environmental or site-specific aspects of sculpture.

ART 233 - Sculpture IV - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 232. Development of aesthetic judgment and creative skills through individual selection of creative projects using student's choice of media under guidance of instructor.

ART 239 - Photography II - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 139. Development of advanced photographic techniques in black and white photography. Optional introduction to color processes. Increased emphasis on formal issues of image making in relation to content.

ART 241C - Special Projects in Art - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 139. Development of advanced photographic techniques in black and white photography. Optional introduction to color processes. Increased emphasis on formal issues of image making in relation to content.

ART 242 - Photography III - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 239. Individual student projects developing visual communication of imagery. Further studies in black and white photographic processes and techniques. Color photo option.

ART 243 - Photography IV - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 242. Use of student-generated projects to develop abilities of individual students. Professional competence in use of photographic equipment and materials.

ART 247 - Digital Imaging - 3.00 credits

Prerequisites: ART 105 or ART 138 or GDES 110. Advanced exploration of photographic techniques, images and themes using the computer, digital camera, and scanners. Photoshop will be primary software utilized in the production of innovative digital images and solutions.

ART 250 - Printmaking - 3.00 credits

Introduction to a variety of traditional contemporary printmaking processes, including on and off press techniques. Historical styles of printmaking and application to current trends. Exploration of relief, lithography, serigraphy, and intaglio printing techniques.

ART 254 - Silk Screen Printing I - 3.00 credits

Screen printing techniques from paper stencil to photographic processes.

ART 255 - Silk Screen Printing II - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 254. Advanced screen printing in photography techniques with emphasis on two three color printing.

ART 263 - Art Portfolio - 3.00 credits

Selection, revamping, and mounting of student work for the professional portfolio.

ART 270 - Illustration - 3.00 credits

Prerequisite: ART 103 and GDES 110. Illustration techniques involving research and visual problem solving. Emphases on research, style, media, clients and presentation with advertising and story illustrations.

ART 280C - Special Studies - 3.00 credits

Individual projects involving media and techniques chosen by the student with the advice of the instructor.

ART 280A - Special Studies - 1.00 credits

Individual projects involving media and techniques chosen by the student with the advice of the instructor.