Summer 2025 classes now enrolling! Visit our enrollment page for more information. Also, get your share of $30 million+ in grants and scholarships . Priority consideration date is April 1.
Turn your passion into a profession with an agriculture degree from MCC. Agricultural career options are not limited to farming and ranching. If working with crops, animals and resources that contribute to the worldwide food supply appeals to you, a career in agriculture can provide a rewarding and fulfilling future.
The Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) in agriculture will serve students pursuing a degree and employment in the agriculture industry, and it will create a transfer pathway for students who wish to move on to university agriculture programs to earn a bachelor's degree.
Agribusiness pathway is for students who want to go into the business, economics, marketing, farm management or logistics of agriculture.
Agribusiness deals with the business of production, processing and distribution of agricultural products. This includes agricultural economics and business through managing risk and realizing positive returns.
Students will learn to apply business strategies and economic principles to solve problems in production and distribution of agricultural goods and services.
MCC's agribusiness management provides an interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates studies in agriculture and business management.
Agribusiness will help entrepreneurial students prepare for their future agriculture business and those students who want to work in the Kansas City agribusiness industry.
Course offerings include: global agriculture, leaderships in agriculture, agribusiness management, agriculture marketing, logistics management, economics,
The animal science pathway is for students who want to go into livestock production, aquaculture, animal nutrition, meat science, or veterinary science.
Animal science focuses on animal, food and fiber production, and management. The courses encompass animal biology, breeding and genetics, nutrition, growth, behavior and management.
Graduates of the program can enter the animal science workforce, start their own business, or pursue an advanced degree at the universities in veterinary science, animal production, agribusiness, biotechnology, conservation and agriculture education.
Graduates of the program can go on to 4-year institutions for bachelor’s degrees in veterinary medicine, animal production, agribusiness, biotechnology, medicine, conservation and education or find a job after completing their degree at MCC.
Course offerings include: global agriculture, leaderships in agriculture, animal science, meat science, animal nutrition, animal reproduction, veterinary terminology
The plant science pathway is for students who want to go into horticulture, agronomy, hydroponics, aquaponics, aeroponics, landscaping, turf management, greenhouse management, or urban agriculture.
Plant Sciences is the study of plant growth, reproduction, evolution and adaptation, as well as the use of plants for food, fiber and ornamental purposes. Students might even go on to create a new variety of plant with desired characteristics that may be climate and disease resistant.
Topics in plant science could include: mapping genes in crops, land management and insect control. Plant scientists are in high demand to address many of the world’s most challenging dilemmas:
Course offerings include: global agriculture, leaderships in agriculture,soil science, pest management, horticulture, agriculture marketing, introduction to plant science
Explore career opportunities and create a strategy for a professional future in agriculture. Introduction to modern agricultural industries, history, management philosophies, and challenges. Course topics include food production, sustainable resource management, global food demands, and economics.
Overview of all phases of owning, operating, managing, and working in an agriculture-based business. Topics include agriculture economics, planning and organization, management, accounting and finance.
This course will also acquaint students with agriculture input and policies as well as domestic and international marketing.
Construction of this approximately 10,000 square foot facility will allow the Agriculture Institute at MCC-Maple Woods to have dedicated classroom, greenhouse, laboratory and office space.
Classes are scheduled to be held there full time starting in Fall of 2025.
Visit Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to view salary information, employment outlook and personal characteristics needed
for this career.
Whatever your transfer destination, we'll work to make sure your credits move easily.
That's why we're experts at it. We've worked out specific transfer agreements with many four-year colleges and universities.
Currently, high school students enrolled through Northland Career Center can earn dual credit as juniors & seniors. We are currently expanding dual credit & articulation options with area secondary agriculture education programs. Contact to see if you can earn credits while attending your high school.
Please check with an advisor for transfer information.
Apply to MCC today!