Diversity Courses

ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology

This survey of cultural anthropology will explore anthropological theories and methodologies that explore the concepts of culture, social institutions and organization. Topics will include economy, political organization, kinship, family, art, marriage, language, law and religion. 3 credits

ANTH 140 Introduction to Physical Anthropology

The course will be a study of the basic concepts, methods, and research areas in physical anthropology. Scientific methods, forces of evolution (especially as they relate to global diversity), dating methods, archaeological techniques, primate characteristics and behavior, the tracing of primate and human evolution through skeletal material and artifacts, and the biocultural and behavioral adaptations of humans to differing environments resulting in diverse global populations will be among the topics discussed. 3 credits

ART 108 Survey of Art

A brief history of the visual arts, including painting, drawing, sculpture and architecture. Global cultures from prehistoric times through present day will be covered. 3 credits

COMM 233 Intercultural Communications

This course will examine how cultural variables and practices impact communication. It will emphasize achieving cultural communication competence and reducing cultural conflict by examining the role of identity, ethnicity, gender, perception, values, beliefs, and attitude within and outside one's culture.

EDUC 235 Multicultural Education

This course is designed to examine the multicultural context of education and prepare students to understand and teach learners from diverse backgrounds, with diverse characteristics, and with differing social identities.  The course will address issues of educational equity, sociocultural influences on teaching and learning, and how teachers and schools can contribute to interpersonal and intercultural understanding and respect, social justice, and democratic citizenship. Prerequisites: ENGL 101 with a grade of  C or better. 3 credits. 

ENGL 220 British Literature to 1750

Survey of British literature from the early Middle Ages to the middle of the 18th century. 3 credits

ENGL 221 British Literature to 1750-Present

Survey of British literature from the end of the 18th century to the present. 3 credits

ENGL 240 Mythology

The origins, purposes, and meanings of myth in past and present human experiences as seen through mythological stories and characters. 3 credits

ENGL 254 World Literature I

Representative works of world literature up to 1600 AD and their significance to the 21st century reader. 3 credits

ENGL 255 World Literature II

May be taken without ENGL 254. Representative works of the later Renaissance, the Neoclassical period, the Romantic period, Realism, Naturalism, and the contemporary period and their significance to the 21st century reader. 3 credits

ENGL 256 World Masterpieces

World masterpieces of prose, drama, and poetry as embodiments of views of the human condition. 3 credits

ENGL 260 African-American Literature

Survey of African-American literature from various genres and historical periods. Students will examine the artistic responses of male and female writers to the social, political, and cultural forces that help shape the African-American experience. 3 credits

ENGL 262 Women's Lives and Autobiography

This course focuses on the literature of women's lives and will explore the historical, political, social and religious contexts in which women live and through which they perceive their worlds. 3 credits

ENGL 264 U.S. Latino and Latina Literature

This course is a survey of U.S. Latino and Latina literature from various genres and historical periods. The literary contributions from Chicanos, Cuban-American and Puerto Rican writers will be included. Students will read and discuss essays, drama, novels, poetry, short stories and ideological discourse while also exploring historical motivators of the literature that have made cultural impacts on the Latino/a communities and the American mainstream. 3 credits

ENGL 267 North American Indian Literature

This course will examine North American Indian literature and cultures. Attention will be paid to both traditional and contemporary native writings. The course will cover themes of traditional beliefs, identity, and other relevant topics. Genres include poetry, fiction, film, and/or non-fiction prose. 3 credits

ENGL 268 Women's Literature

Women's Literature focuses on the ideas, experiences, and imagination of women through discussion and analysis of various literary genres written by women. The course will explore the historical, political and social contexts in which women live and write. 3 credits

GEOG 105 World Geography

Introduction and application of geographic principles to the survey of the major world regions: Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, North America, Latin America, and the Pacific World. 3 credits

GEOG 113 Cultural/Human Geography

Addresses techniques of geographic interpretation and cultural and political diversity, as well as their relationship to physical environment. Covers the availability of water, food, and other natural resources; language; religion; industry; spatial relationships of cities and settlements; population; ethnic characteristics; migration; folk and popular cultures; and the effects of globalization. 3 credits

HIST 130 Women in American History

This course focuses on the roles women have played in the history of the United States. It traces the attitude towards women from antiquity through the revolutionary era to the present day. Students will examine the general demographic, economic and social changes affecting women of all classes. 3 credits

HIST 140 African American History

The historical experience of people of African descent from the African civilizations, to European contact, enslavement and freedom in the New World Diaspora (Latin America, the Caribbean, and North America). The cultural, social, political, and economic dimensions of African American history will be explored as will the accomplishments and unique perspectives of African Americans. 3 credits

HIST 145 Survey of English History

Survey of the evolution of England from the middle ages to the present. Emphasis on political, economic, religious, and literary development. 3 credits

HUMN 103 Introduction to International Studies

The course will prepare students to be citizens of the world through an understanding of the interconnectedness of the human experience and discussion of global issues from many different perspectives. Topics presented will enable students to reflect upon how individuals in various cultures "past, present and future" are united in their humanity. 3 credits

HUMN 140 Humanities Past and Present

An overview of the history and philosophy of human culture as seen through the arts and the study of their impact on life today. 3 credits

HUMN 145 Comparative Humanities: Myth Through Time

Study and compare global cultural myths throughout time, including their historical, artistic, cultural, and ideological development, in order to better understand the behavior, ideals, values and beliefs of diverse groups of people. 3 credits

HUMN 165 American Humanities:  Diversity in the American Experience

Through a study of American history, literature, and culture, this course will explore issues of critical significance in American life and thought. A special focus will be placed on issues of American identity and on the role that pluralism plays in the life of American communities, especially communities in the Midwest.  The contributions of Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and women's cultural and political activities will be included. 3 credits. 3 hours. (Lecture 3 hours.)

MUSI 116 Evolution of Jazz

A study of the rich ethnic background and evolution of jazz music and its many styles. African, African-American, and European cultures will be examined in terms of the role each has played, and continues to play, in defining and influencing American culture through jazz. Important performers, composers, musicians, educators, and writers of jazz will be identified with respect to their contributions to the art form. Critical listening activities supplement the course content. 3 credits

MUSI 160 Music of the World's Cultures

This course will be an investigation of music of a variety of cultures, focusing on musical style, aesthetic viewpoints of differing cultures and the function in which music fulfills these diverse societies. Within this course, students will study the connection between music and religion, drama, gender, ethnicity and dance. 3 credits

PHIL 102 World Philosophy

This course is an introduction to some of the great philosophical traditions in the world, both Western and non-Western. It compares and contrasts different cultures from Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, the Orient, Native America, and Europe, and their respective and distinctive attempts to discern meaning and order from human existence. Foundations of knowledge and reality, conceptions of God and the afterlife, and ethical theories are among the considered topics. Special distinctions between Western and non-Western philosophical methods will be emphasized. 3 credits

PHIL 266 World Religions

This course considers the philosophical foundations of a variety of religions. Major ideas include the nature of God(s), the nature of the self, divine communication/revelation, and values embodied in the behaviors and rituals that are characteristic of religious life. This course develops a broad understanding of global religion, discussing Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), Central Asian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism), East Asian Religions (Taoism, Confucianism), and Indigenous Ethnic Religions (Native American, Sub-Saharan, Austronesian, et al). (MOTR RELG 100)

POLS 139 Urban Politics and Policy

This course provides an introduction to issues and challenges confronting American cities and metropolitan areas and the policy remedies and options available to government and the private sector. The course will examine political, social, and economic, and cultural explanations for the origin and evolution of urban environments. The course will trace the historical development of local government institutions, analyze urban coalitions, and investigate distributions of power. Finally, the course also analyzes urban policies in the areas of growth, education, culture wars, housing, and poverty particularly in the postwar period. 3 credits.

POLS 234 Introduction to International Relations

This course acquaints students with the core concepts, processes, issues, and analytical tools of international relations.  The course details the actors in international relations, how foreign policy is made, and the role of power.  The course examines past, contemporary, and future problems in the international system, including military conflict, economics, demography, and the environment. Upon completion of this course, students should have a strong basic understanding of international relations. (MOTR POSC 201; Diversity)

PSYC 143 Psychology of the African-American Experience

Psychological principles as they apply to the development, behavior, and experience of the African-American from colonization through Reconstruction to the present.  Special considerations will be given to the impact of racism.

PSYC 220 Psychology of Prejudice

This course offers an analysis of psychological theory and research as mechanism for understanding privilege, prejudice, and discrimination. The class will explore meanings of difference and prejudice based on race/ethnicity, gender, class, religion, physical ability, age, and sexual orientation. Themes include cultural values and characteristics of diverse groups, development and causes of social perception, reasons for persistence and maintenance of stereotypes and prejudice, and ways to change or reduce group stereotypes and prejudice. 3 credits

SIGN 103 Deaf Culture

A course designed to provide students with an understanding of American Deaf culture and the factors that contribute to defining the Deaf Community as a distinct cultural minority, focusing on an awareness and understanding of cultural diversity and preservation of language. Students will examine cultural identity, group norms, rules of social interaction, values, and traditions held by members who are deaf. Societal attitudes regarding deafness and issues such as cultural oppression and language power by the majority culture will be discussed, as well as the contributions of folklore, literature, plays and works of art made by persons who are deaf to the larger American culture and to their own community organizations. The impact of modern technology, emerging issues, trends and advocacy within the Deaf Community are presented.

SOCI 163 Contemporary Social Issues

The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with a variety of modern social issues, which may include social inequality, violence, educational issues, crime and imprisonment, prostitution, economic inequality and poverty, racial inequality, gender discrimination, environmental issues, illness and the medical care system. To say something is a social issue is not simply to observe negative outcomes, but to make a claim that society in general is concerned about the issue.  The goal is to become increasingly aware of the social forces that shape our lives; gaining insight into how our social environments penetrate our thinking and views of the world. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to draw sociological inferences from observations, which is the “sociological imagination.” (MOTR SOCI 201; Diversity).

SOSC 171 Comparative Ethnic and Cultural Studies

Comparative studies of various ethnic cultures and societies with focus on the cultural, social, economic, and political organization. Comparison of such societies to the dominant American culture. Potential points of agreement and conflict between the dominant American culture and some of the other cultures of the world. 3 credits

SPAN 212 Study Abroad I

Students will broaden their language skills while at the same time experiencing a new culture through a short-term total immersion program in a Spanish-speaking country. Special emphasis will be placed on spoken communication while expanding listening, reading and writing skills.  Students will be tested and placed into the appropriate level of instruction.  All classes are conducted in Spanish by native Spanish speakers. 3 credits. Prerequisites: SPAN 101

SPAN 21IIStudy Abroad II

Students will broaden their language skills while at the same time experiencing a new culture through a short-term total immersion program in a Spanish-speaking country. Special emphasis will be placed on spoken communication while expanding listening, reading and writing skills.  Students will be tested and placed into the appropriate level of instruction.  All classes are conducted in Spanish by native Spanish speakers. 3 credits. Prerequisites: SPAN 212

SPAN 21IIItudy Abroad III

Students will broaden their language skills while at the same time experiencing a new culture through a short-term total immersion program in a Spanish-speaking country. Special emphasis will be placed on spoken communication while expanding listening, reading and writing skills. Students will be tested and placed into the appropriate level of instruction. All classes are conducted in Spanish by native Spanish speakers. 3 credits. Prerequisites: SPAN 214

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