Speaker series, poetry workshop among MCC Black History Month events

Join Metropolitan Community College in celebrating Black History Month. Upcoming events include:
Speaker series: Walter Jacobs

MCC-Online presents Walter R. Jacobs, provost and vice president for academic affairs at California State University East Bay. Previously, he was chair of the African American & African Studies department at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Hop on Zoom for an enlightening hour: noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8. All are welcome. https://mcckc.zoom.us/my/oncampuslife
Poetry workshop with Glenn North

This event will be in-person as well as online. Glenn North is an award-winning poet, activist, educator and executive director of the Bruce A. Watkins Cultural Center in Kansas City. At this event, tied to MCC-Penn Valley’s Common Read of “The 1619 Project,” North will work with students on using poetry to address issues of social justice and self-empowerment through reflective poetry.
11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8, MCC-Penn Valley Library, Learning Resources building, 3201 Southwest Trafficway. Zoom link; meeting ID: 917 2684 0789; passcode: read
Trailblazer Speaker Series
Celebrate folks who have blazed a trail in their respective fields. Join Campus Life and Leadership district-wide for a lecture and Q&A session with Glenn North.
This session will discuss North's collection of poems inspired by Kansas City's rich jazz traditions and the triumphs and tragedies of the African American experience.
Attend In-Person: Thursday, February 23, MCC-Penn Valley, Education Center EC006-007, 12:30 p.m.
Attend Virtually: Please email your RSVP to mw.campuslife@mcckc.edu for the Zoom link.