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SPRING 2025 / SOCI / SOCI 163Sociology
SOCI 163 - Contemporary Social Issues (3 credits)
The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with a variety of modern social issues, which may include social inequality, violence, educational issues, crime and imprisonment, prostitution, economic inequality and poverty, racial inequality, gender discrimination, environmental issues, illness and the medical care system. To say something is a social issue is not simply to observe negative outcomes, but to make a claim that society in general is concerned about the issue. The goal is to become increasingly aware of the social forces that shape our lives; gaining insight into how our social environments penetrate our thinking and views of the world. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to draw sociological inferences from observations, which is the “sociological imagination.” (MOTR SOCI 201).
7 session(s) offered. Select a location:
MCC-Blue River (1 class)
MCC-Longview (1 class)
MCC-Penn Valley (1 class)
Internet (4 classes)
See All (7 classes)
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