MCC offers a variety of payment options. After enrolling in classes you will need to select a payment option for which you qualify in order to hold your classes.
These options include payment in full, the payment plan, financial aid award(s), the MCC employee/dependent fee waiver, the U.S. Veterans benefit, a third party payer (company or agency), and the state of Missouri's A+ benefit.
If none of these payment options are utilized, classes not paid by the fee payment deadline will be dropped.
Fee payment deadlines
The fee payment deadline for each term is the 15th of the month before the term begins:
- Summer Term - May 15
- Fall Term - August 1
- Spring Term - December 15
Unpaid classes will be dropped. After the fee payment deadline, unpaid classes are dropped according to the following schedule:
- First drop: August 12 (Fall), December 15 (Spring), May 15 (Summer)
- Second drop: Tuesday before classes start for the term
- Third drop: End of the 100% refund period for the Regular session
- Fourth drop: State-Aid date for the term. State aid date is about four weeks after classes start in fall and spring; two weeks in summer.
After these dates unpaid classes are dropped on the 1st and 15th of each month throughout the term, until the start of final exams. If the drop falls during spring break the next drop will be the Monday after spring break.
MCC's payment options
How to pay
Pay by check, debit card or credit card online through myMCCKC or at any campus business office. The business offices also accept cash.
When you provide a check as payment, you authorize MCC to either use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account, or to process the payment as a check transaction.
To pay tuition and fees in full online you will need to supply account information:
- Credit card or debit card account number (VISA, MasterCard or Discover)
- Bank routing number and account number (savings or checking)
Sign up for the MCC payment plan by paying a small non-refundable fee. The plan divides your balance into equal installments and schedules automatic payments. If you sign up after the first installment due date, you will pay the sign-up fee plus any missed installments.
Each time you sign up for a new plan, including switching between available plans within a term, you will be charged a sign-up fee.
To sign up for the payment plan, you will need to supply account information:
- Credit card or debit card account number (VISA, MasterCard or Discover)
- Bank routing number and account number (savings or checking)
Each plan's monthly automatic payments are processed according to the following schedules:Spring Term: Three plans available, two, three or four installments
- 2-Payment Plan - First payment at sign-up, 2nd on March 15
- 3-Payment Plan - Payments on Dec. 15, Feb. 15 and March 15
- 4-Payment Plan - Payments on Dec. 15, Jan. 15, Feb. 15 and March 15
Summer Term: One plan available, two installments
- 2-Payment Plan - Payments on May 1 and June 1
Note: This payment plan will be available for sign-up beginning March 23rd.
Fall Term: Two plans available, two or three installments
- 2-Payment Plan - First Payment at sign-up, 2nd on Oct. 15
- 3-Payment Plan - Payments on Aug. 15, Sep. 15 and Oct. 15
Important: If your first installment payment fails, you will be removed from the plan and your classes dropped.
If you have already finished all items on your financial aid "To Do" list and have been awarded one or more types of financial aid, that amount will be subtracted from what you owe on your student account. If there is still a balance due, you must either sign up for the payment plan or pay the remaining balance in full.
If you plan to use one of the following options for payment, special circumstances apply.
MCC fee waiver (employees and their dependents)
To use this option when you enroll, you will need to supply the employee's ID number and MCC email address. You will also need to submit a completed Request for Tuition Waiver form to your campus business office within seven days of class enrollment.
U.S. Veterans benefits (Chapter 31 or 33)
To use this option you will need to contact your campus Financial Aid Office veterans coordinator within seven days of class enrollment.
Third party payer (company or agency)
If the company or agency sponsoring you has a signed third party agreement on file with MCC, you may use this option.
When you enroll, your classes will be held for seven days and you will need to contact the third party billing office and submit your approved authorization letter to
A+ program benefits
If you have successfully completed the A+ requirements at your high school and have submitted your current free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to MCC, you may use this option when you enroll.
If you are a new MCC student you will have until the following dates to have your school send an official A+ certified high school transcript to MCC's Student Data Center:
- Fall semester - June 30
- Spring semester - Jan. 7
- Summer semester - May 30
- A+ does not pay for lab fees; you are responsible for paying these charges.
- There is a cap on the amount per credit hour that A+ can pay; you are responsible for paying the difference, if there is one.
- A+ benefits are always contingent upon Missouri's funding for the program.
Get your refund faster: Use direct deposit
Find out more about setting up direct deposits by going to our refund page.
MCC uses an electronic billing system to send monthly eBills to students who have unpaid charges on their accounts. After eBills are posted, emails are sent to notify students that they have a new eBill. To view your eBill or see the balance you currently owe, go to the finances section of your student center account at myMCCKC.
You may authorize another person (parent, relative etc.) to access your account to make a payment, set up a payment plan or view your eBill.
In fact, you can set up multiple people as authorized users and each will receive access information at the e-mail address you specify for them.
Each authorized user's payment information is protected because payment details can only be viewed by the person who entered them.
NOTE: If you set up a company as an authorized user, please be aware MCC will not accept a corporate check through online payment. Please see third-party section.
Here's how to sign up an authorized user on your account.
- Go to myMCCKC and sign in to your account.
- Select Student Center Home.
- Scroll down to the Finances section; under My Account, click on the Authorize Payer link.
- The online payment center window will open on the Authorized Users page. (If it does not, click on the Home icon and then on Authorized Users from the My Profile Setup menu on the right.)
- Click on the Add Authorized User tab.
- Enter the email address of the person you want to designate as an authorized user on your account.
- Click the appropriate Yes/No buttons to select from the two options listed, the types of information you want to allow this person to see; then click Continue.
- When the Agreement to Add Authorized User is displayed, click the I Agree checkbox to sign the agreement. Print the agreement if desired; then click Continue.
- After you have signed the agreement, the system will send two emails to your newly designated authorized user, one with their userID and the other with their initial password and link to the payment center website.
- You will also receive a system-generated email (and text message if you entered your mobile phone number in the system) alerting you that an authorized user-with email address specified-has been linked to your account.
Documentation is required if an agency, organization or company (like Vocational Rehabilitation, Full Employment Council, DESE, FORD, GM, etc.) will pay your tuition. You must bring official authorization to or contact them within seven days of class enrollment or your classes could be dropped.
Important: You are ultimately responsible for payment of all charges on your account if payment is not received from the third party payer.
MCC allows payment of tuition by a third party. All third party payers are required to sign and submit an official third party payment agreement (PDF). Inquiries or completed agreements should be submitted to the MCC third party billing office at MCC will return a signed copy of the agreement to the third party as notification that the process is complete.
Download Third Party Payment Agreement (pdf)
PLEASE NOTE: Textbook and/or course supply vouchers must be arranged directly with Follett Higher Education Group, MCC's bookstore service provider. Please email for more information.
- Employer or agency must agree to pay regardless of student success in a course, student completion of a course, or continued employment or eligibility of a student.
- An authorization letter (PDF) must be received each semester within seven days of enrollment or before the first day of classes, whichever is sooner, or the student could be dropped from their classes. Authorizations should be on official third party letterhead and emailed to or submitted in person to any campus business office.
- MCC will not bill individuals as a third party. Students have the ability to designate authorized payers for their student accounts via myMCCKC.
- MCC reserves the right not to accept authorization letters from any company or organization
that does not have a signed third party agreement on file.