Payment Options

MCC offers a variety of payment options. After enrolling in classes you will need to select a payment option for which you qualify in order to hold your classes.

These options include payment in full, the payment plan, financial aid award(s), the MCC employee/dependent fee waiver, the U.S. Veterans benefit, a third party payer (company or agency), and the state of Missouri's A+ benefit.

If none of these payment options are utilized, classes not paid by the fee payment deadline will be dropped.

Fee payment deadlines

The fee payment deadline for each term is the 15th of the month before the term begins:

  • Summer Term - May 15
  • Fall Term - August 1
  • Spring Term - December 15

Unpaid classes will be dropped. After the fee payment deadline, unpaid classes are dropped according to the following schedule:

  • First drop: August 12 (Fall), December 15 (Spring), May 15 (Summer)
  • Second drop: Tuesday before classes start for the term
  • Third drop: End of the 100% refund period for the Regular session
  • Fourth drop: State-Aid date for the term. State aid date is about four weeks after classes start in fall and spring; two weeks in summer.

After these dates unpaid classes are dropped on the 1st and 15th of each month throughout the term, until the start of final exams. If the drop falls during spring break the next drop will be the Monday after spring break.

MCC's payment options

How to pay

Get your refund faster: Use direct deposit

Find out more about setting up direct deposits by going to our refund page.

Get started today


MCC uses an electronic billing system to send monthly eBills to students who have unpaid charges on their accounts. After eBills are posted, emails are sent to notify students that they have a new eBill. To view your eBill or see the balance you currently owe, go to the finances section of your student center account at myMCCKC.