
MCC has many scholarship opportunities for students. First consideration is given to applications received on or before April 1.

Scholarship search

Metropolitan Community College uses Scholarship Universe as a platform for students to apply for and accept scholarship opportunities across campus! Please follow these simple steps to apply for scholarship opportunities each year.

NOTE: These scholarships are for students who will have completed a high school degree or equivalent before starting the next academic term. If you are a high school student taking college classes, talk with your high school counselors about any possible scholarship opportunities.

Go to Scholarship Universe List of MCC Scholarships

How to apply for scholarships

Step 1: Student Log In

Current and incoming students can log into Scholarship Universe using their MCC assigned username and the password you set.

Step 2: View your Dashboard

Your dashboard offers an overview of your current and future scholarship opportunities and displays action items that require your attention. The user menu on the left will help you navigate the different sections of the application and awarding process.

Print Screen of the Scholarship Universe Dashboard showing scholarship opportunities available

Step 3: Answer Matching Questions

Select “Questions” from the user menu on the left. To apply for as many scholarship opportunities as possible, you will need to answer questions that will “match” you to scholarships for which you meet the minimum qualifications. The more questions you answer, the more scholarships you may match and apply to, now and in the future.

You can Answer More Questions (top right of page), view your current answers, and edit/update your answers to these questions at any time. You may see some questions pre-answered. Those questions cannot be edited as they are populated by current information already in MCC’s system.

Note: If it is your first time logging into Scholarship Universe, you will automatically be prompted to begin answering Matching Questions. If you are a continuing student, you may want to review your answers from previous years to make sure your information is up-to-date.

Step 4: View Scholarship Opportunities

Select “Scholarships” from the user menu on the left. This section will display and let you interact with all the scholarship opportunities currently open at any given time. This screen has several tabs:

  • Matches – List of scholarships to which you match and are currently able to apply
  • Pinned – List of scholarships that you have previously pinned to your account
  • Partial Matches – List of scholarships to which you match as least one requirement but have missing information for other requirements
  • Application Submitted – List of scholarships for which you have applied
  • Non-Matches – List of scholarships to which you do not match
  • Not Interested – List of scholarships for which you matched but have marked as not being interested in applying

You may click the “Apply” button for any scholarship on your Matches list to take you directly to the required application or you can move on to Step 5 to view a full list of the applications you are eligible to complete and begin the application process there.

Screenshot of sample scholarships listed in Scholarship Universe

Step 5: Apply for Scholarships

Select “Applications” from the user menu on the left. There are three tabs on this screen:

  • Ready to Start – Here you will find a list of all general and department-specific applications for which you are eligible to apply based on your Matching Question answers in Step 3
  • In Progress – Here you will find any applications which you have already started but have not completed
  • Submitted – Here you will find all the applications you have successfully submitted

Some applications will allow you to apply for many scholarships at once. You can view the number of scholarships you are applying for under the name of that application and click the dropdown arrow to see the names of the individual scholarships as well. All scholarships you apply for in this situation will be scholarships you’ve matched to based on your Matching Questions.

screenshot of Scholarship Universe application page showing sample items needed to complete an application

Frequently Asked Questions about Scholarship Universe

Other scholarship types

Transfer scholarships

Your MCC degree may be the ticket to scholarships from other area colleges and universities. Please reach out to your transfer institution to discuss scholarships available for MCC students.

External Scholarships

Scholarship Universe allows for legitimate external scholarships to be included and their information available for students. If you are a community partner who would like to share your scholarship with our students, please email

Institutional scholarships

Students must submit a scholarship application unless otherwise noted below.

Institutional scholarship funds are non-refundable. Institutional scholarships can be used for tuition, fees, and educationally-related books and supplies in the MCC Bookstore.

Depending on other types of aid the student is receiving, the institutional award may be minimal or not applicable.